Effervecreanet - GCode generator for a visor with or without glasses
Video that substitute to interactive view.
For the sake of generating 3D Object gcode, I borrow you this explanation. In a first time, you have to find the 3d printer calibrating point. The calibrating point is indeed a floor expressed as floating point number where the 3d printer head is close by close by the 3d printer bed. For the Dagoma Magis or Sigma 3d printer, it's a number between -20.000 and 200.000 on the Z axis. 3 digits after the decimal dot are enough accurate.
Generating gcode steps by steps

Run the appli

Put the mandatory value

Once the dagoma0.g file is created you put it in a SD Card which you insert in your 3d printer.

Instructions for printing this visor
Once you have generated the file dagoma0.g and you have started the beginning of the printing. So, the printer will print two identical clips which will serve you later in the printing. Indeed, the printer will suspend and it's at that time you have to put these clips into the slots shaped by the branches after you have inserted the glass or the plexiglas. The left clips should be placed at the left most and the right clips should be placed at the right most.
The moment the printer suspend is when the printer just finish the piece that will cover the upper part of the nose of the man or woman that will wear or use the visor you print.
The duration for printing this visor is more or less 25 hours. I encourage to take off the two clips as soon as each one is printed. I also encourage, if it is needed, to use three mini-blocs to elevate the bed in order to give it a concave shape. These wedge can be placed at the start of the right/left branch, and in front of cutting-edge face piece between the bed and the sides.
The glasses or plexi should have or can have a dimension of 3.6 cm per 6.4 cm. It's up to you to buy the plexi or glass, if you do not have it. It's also up to you to cut it if you have to. Last, you have to drill two holes for inserting the lace which will maintain the visor all around the head.
The domain concerned by this visor are constructions and medical ones, and because in technology the futur matter you or me can dream of partnership with some google glass.
Other informations regarding this visor

3d printer Dagoma Magis (http://dagoma.fr)
Help: short video showing glasses insert
Visor in a contextualized environment

Lace or elestic are for maintening the visor on the head after two holes are made in branches.
Link to CalibrateMagis and link vers generating gcode (Works with Sigma printer) Latest version 1.2.0 at 11/11/2024.